So we have had three different chosen ones die in their first games, has anyone else had this hilarious and…

So we have had three different chosen ones die in their first games, has anyone else had this hilarious and…

So we have had three different chosen ones die in their first games, has anyone else had this hilarious and anticlimactic experience?

1st chosen: Betrayed our team by stabbing our sorcerer through the throat, before brutally meeting a assault rifles muzzle. (This chosen one is now blessed by Satan as a headless obsidian sword wielding bad-ass, my favorite recurring villain)

2nd chosen: Betrayed his team by attempting to destroy our robotic construct and embraced the wrong end of a flamer thrower. 

3rd Chosen: was riddled by sub-machine gun fire before being decapitated by their sidekick…

come to think of it… its more my gaming buddies betraying each other that’s the problem…

10 thoughts on “So we have had three different chosen ones die in their first games, has anyone else had this hilarious and…”

  1. Haha! Well I think very soon I will be able to have enough dead chosen ones for when the players attempt to storm hell they will be up for a very deadly fight.

  2. Strangely the same player has been involved in all three cases, the first two he was betrayed and then the last time he was offered the opportunity to survive by the “Monster” who was another mole in the team by killing his friend. Very Sith/Jedi stuff. fortunately we have played twenty or so games and most of the deaths have actually been the “Monsters”… mostly. 

  3. I think getting betrayed is something that can hardly be helped as he was the betrayed case in two instances I can’t really lay the issue at his feet. The chosen playbook is fine, surely nothing in it is making the players want to kill our chosen.

  4. That is so interesting – I never had outright PvP in any of my MotW games, only some tense stand-offs, where nobody got truly and substantially hurt. But of course, it does fit the genre. … lest monsters we become?

  5. Humans can make fantastic monsters, the last monster we had was a double agent in the team, which was planed other than the before mentioned player vs player action. The team was shocked when they were brought down by the player that was acting out the traitor and as the keeper I controlled another minor monster and all of the minions.

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