I will be running this for my group in a few weeks.   Only one of them has ever watched wrestling.   I want to give…

I will be running this for my group in a few weeks.   Only one of them has ever watched wrestling.   I want to give…

I will be running this for my group in a few weeks.   Only one of them has ever watched wrestling.   I want to give them some good matches (hopefully available on youtube) for them to watch just to get a feel for the pacing and look of a match.   

Any recomendations?

5 thoughts on “I will be running this for my group in a few weeks.   Only one of them has ever watched wrestling.   I want to give…”

  1. Pacing and Look have changed over time and is different all over the world.  What are you partial to?  Available on youtube is a ton of Indy spot wrestling, Japanese strong style and FMW “death” matches.  There is also 5 years of Smoky Mountain Wrestling episodes from the mid ’90’s for a ‘modern’ take on old school rasslin’.  

    Here is is a classic match of the GOAT baby face tag team and epitome of the Hot Tag: Rock n Roll Express


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