I am new-ish to running PbtA games and am having a struggle with the game I am currently running for my family.  …

I am new-ish to running PbtA games and am having a struggle with the game I am currently running for my family.  …

I am new-ish to running PbtA games and am having a struggle with the game I am currently running for my family.   There are no moves for observing/examining a non-magical location or object.   Is the point to always have the player observe something arcane or ancient?  Do I just give them the info or ask them about it, if the place is not arcane/ancient ?   The players keep asking me about things that do not fit that move and I am at a loss sometimes.  

Any help for a newer GM?

I will be starting up my first game of Epyllion soon.   What do people use to draw on the map of Dragonia online?  …

I will be starting up my first game of Epyllion soon.   What do people use to draw on the map of Dragonia online?  …

I will be starting up my first game of Epyllion soon.   What do people use to draw on the map of Dragonia online?   Is there a preferred easy to setup whiteboard (or something like that) tool out that that you would recommend?

Any chance of this coming to print or POD even?  I am late in the game getting the pdf and would LOVE to add this…

Any chance of this coming to print or POD even?  I am late in the game getting the pdf and would LOVE to add this…

Any chance of this coming to print or POD even?  I am late in the game getting the pdf and would LOVE to add this one to my shelf.  Also having a hard copy at the table is so much more convenient.

I see on the kickstarter page that a news video was made.  Where can this magnificent thing be found?

I see on the kickstarter page that a news video was made.  Where can this magnificent thing be found?

I see on the kickstarter page that a news video was made.  Where can this magnificent thing be found?

I am re-posting since I apparently did it wrong the first time. :-)   I will delete the other post to avoid confusion

I am re-posting since I apparently did it wrong the first time. 🙂   I will delete the other post to avoid confusion

I am re-posting since I apparently did it wrong the first time. 🙂   I will delete the other post to avoid confusion

Magpie Games  ​​ #MASKSrpg   #villainselfie #halcyonjailbreak

JJ Johnson, former manager of East-Pac Wrestling suffered an embarrassing defeat at the hand of Joey Crack (+Joe Zantek ) . Vowing revenge he sought out experimental drugs that gave him enhanced strength and durability.  He now commits crimes of destruction as he seeks out Mr Crack.


I will be running this for my group in a few weeks.   Only one of them has ever watched wrestling.   I want to give…

I will be running this for my group in a few weeks.   Only one of them has ever watched wrestling.   I want to give…

I will be running this for my group in a few weeks.   Only one of them has ever watched wrestling.   I want to give them some good matches (hopefully available on youtube) for them to watch just to get a feel for the pacing and look of a match.   

Any recomendations?

Trying to put together a mission that is a Data Steal job.  Anyone have one hanging around so I could use as a…

Trying to put together a mission that is a Data Steal job.  Anyone have one hanging around so I could use as a…

Trying to put together a mission that is a Data Steal job.  Anyone have one hanging around so I could use as a reference.   This will only be the second mission I have run.

Just curious on the status?  I assume we are not going to make the February deadline.  Any news on when it is set…

Just curious on the status?  I assume we are not going to make the February deadline.  Any news on when it is set…

Just curious on the status?  I assume we are not going to make the February deadline.  Any news on when it is set for?

Another pestering question for all…

Another pestering question for all…

Another pestering question for all…

Players have all this great gear they get to select that does its various amounts of harm. I only see “mix it up” as a way for them to trigger this wonderful harm. But it also states “violence against an armed force to seize control of a mission objective.” How much narrative control does the player have here? For example, “i approach the guards and pull out my monofilamint whip, and attempt to decapitate them both / pull out my SMG and head shot both of them / whatever” then rolls 7+ the guards are neutralized?

I have no problem with the player success but I could see the players maximizing this and just casually walking through the mission. I have never done combat in the Sprawl yet so this may be a non-issue.

Again trying to anticipate problems for my game on Saturday.

First session  experience :  I ran my group through the Kurusawa Extraction (My first time using the system as well).

First session  experience :  I ran my group through the Kurusawa Extraction (My first time using the system as well).

First session  experience :  I ran my group through the Kurusawa Extraction (My first time using the system as well).  It went ok although a little long.   Three hours in we finally finished up the legwork phase.  

Is the Legwork phase merely information gathering or can it also be used to set up what they needed in the actual extraction or should that have shifted into the Action Phase ?

Also my players did comment that a 7-9 result does not seem to have ANY success with a cost result.  It felt much less deadly than other AW style games. 10+ being great success, 7-9 a slightly lesser success and 6- a failure.

Was that just me or is this happening with others?