Me: “Aside from the splitting worms that have been keeping to the caustic tar patches, what other creature has been…

Me: “Aside from the splitting worms that have been keeping to the caustic tar patches, what other creature has been…

Originally shared by Sean Gomes

Me: “Aside from the splitting worms that have been keeping to the caustic tar patches, what other creature has been causing the expedition so much grief?”

Player: “There are these vine-dwelling rodents. They drop from above. They’re attracted to the lights, since all they normally get is the green-yellow of the acid tar pools.”

Me: (thinking, that doesn’t sound so bad). “So… why is the xenogeologist so afraid of leaving camp, then? Why is he terrified of them?”

Player: “They have a tendency to explode when spooked.”

And thus the BoomSquirrels were introduced. The creatures fill gas bladders with the acidic fumes from the caustic pools, then drift/drop onto sources UV light (normally given off by the pustule-fruit they eat). And then explode in an acidic fireball when startled.

Shame the characters mysteriously decided to call off their exploration of the planet. “We’ve seen all we need to fulfill our contract lets get the hell out of here”

One thought on “Me: “Aside from the splitting worms that have been keeping to the caustic tar patches, what other creature has been…”

  1. That point of “diminishing returns” moved a lot more toward “get the job done and LEAVE” the instant he said the word “explode.”

    Shit was like, Space Australia: everything is trying to kill you.

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