Toying with how to deal with the various non-human races in a Divine Blood setting, most supernaturals in that…

Toying with how to deal with the various non-human races in a Divine Blood setting, most supernaturals in that…

Toying with how to deal with the various non-human races in a Divine Blood setting, most supernaturals in that setting are harmless…thinking about the following explanations specifically.

Sidhe – Technically all sidhe are perfectly beautiful, but the majority go well into the uncanny value due to their perfection. If you are a sidhe, low charm can be explained by a refusal to take measures to tone down your natural appearance and thus causing other people to have difficulty or discomfort relating to you. Or you might have some level of the court-loyal sidhe’s supremacist attitudes. Higher charm sidhe are better at fitting in and may even had applied tattoos or specific styles to tone down their appearance and thus seem more attractive.

Dryads – a consequence of having eaten the dryad fruit and having your nervous system replaced by a parasite that devours your life force is the fact that attempting to use any supernatural abilities is so strenuous that even the most basic stuff performed by normal people in moments of extreme stress might result in a hospitalizing aneurysm.  If you have a high Weird rating as a dryad, that means you likely rely on feng shui (power things with the residual life force in the world around you, moving items so that the flow of power changes) or else various tools that will trigger on contact with someone who has an actual functioning life force. Since you can’t manifest psychic ability yourself or trigger an item yourself. Likewise, a high Tough means that in the course of your immortality you’ve managed to work around the limits the dryad condition places on your musculature and you’ve learned to fight smarter and in ways that don’t depend on physical agility or strength.

I’ve also considered that Use Magic could be used for representing any of a number of supernatural abilities native to some species. The shapeshifting of a therianthrope or a couple of others would likely be less efficient than the “monstrous” move though.

Not sure how to handle the monstrous…there aren’t any species that have an innate monstrous nature…there’s nothing inherently evil in the setting and even Gods and Demons can be helpless civilians. Likewise, Summoned or Divine might need some addressing.