21 thoughts on “I was wondering… How many of you guys took part into e-feds?”

  1. The only think like that I have ever done was the video games. I had enough friends into wrestling that we could have large stables of custom characters, and kind of construct our own storyline around it. Not really the same by any stretch though, more like a distant cousin twice removed.

  2. (surprisingly, perhaps) I never did. I looked at a couple when I first got into wrestling in the mid-00’s but they seemed like they generally were of and for groups of friends and I didn’t have any ins!

  3. Always wanted to try one of those… unfortunately, the only thing like that I ever “joined”… the “Creative” thought of himself as a TV producer so all I ever had to do was allow him to use my character and never really had anything to say about it’s use of it… But I did E-feds from 1999 to 2011… with the same character… Still the undisputed SWF Overseas Champion (since 2004 😉 ), The Extreme Assassin, The human machinegun, Manik.

    Yeah, Christopher Daniels made sure to take my character’s name when they renamed Suicide (TNA)… But that’s a whole different story…

  4. And yet, Nathan, here you come along with maybe the perfect solution with WWWRPG!

    Maybe I can find a second run for Manik… looking at the Beta stuff, I’d say he’s going to be a Anti-Hero…

    Can’t wait to try that game 😀

  5. I did e-fed when I was really young, around 12 I think. It was a french-canadian e-fed. I actually got into wrestling because of that. I had no idea what it was about before and only wanted to find a good place to roleplay.

  6. Can’t wait to play it and hope to play with the likes of Professor Atomo, The Reaper, Scythe, and all of Nathan’s group, I really enjoyed their gameplay and overall ambiance 🙂

  7. That and the fact the players actually seem to know enough about the business to be able to make it flow naturally. I wrestled from 2001 to 2005 and having smarks pretend to know stuff and calling a finisher move their “smackdown” was a bit frustrating…

  8. Joe Zantek, from the looks of it, Manik would have a hard time against your characters… so of course… 😉

    Brainburg… Of course I’d have a match with him… doesn’t the WWW have some sort of NXT?

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