In each duty station, why are the Night intro and missions listed before the Day intro?

In each duty station, why are the Night intro and missions listed before the Day intro?

In each duty station, why are the Night intro and missions listed before the Day intro? Should we start each new duty station with some Nighttime action? My instinct would be to start with some daytime scenes.

6 thoughts on “In each duty station, why are the Night intro and missions listed before the Day intro?”

  1. As far as I can tell, my understanding is that you should start by day:

    “A session of Night Witches always starts at dawn, and life for the Regiment follows a day-and-night pattern” (Night Witches, p. 91).

  2. Hmm… in my opinion it’s just because the guy who layed out the handouts put the night side before the day side. In fact, if you look at the PC moves playsheet, you can find the day side before the night side. That’s why I would not take as law the side from which the handouts start. In my opinion it’s just a case.

  3. Don’t read too much into the order in which they appear. Yes, it’s a good idea (for at least the GM) to read through the whole thing before you begin, but Daniele Di Rubbo is correct- play begins at dawn.

    Note that this means your first scene is most likely the Debrief, so knowing a bit about what kind of mission you might just have been flying is helpful.

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