5 thoughts on “I’m still new to the world of tabletop RPGs, but I love the idea of contributing custom moves!”

  1. Bind it to the fiction you’d like to create. More fiction and less crunchy bits is always the best solution. Moreover, remember a 10+ is always a success, a 7-9 is a success with a cost, and 6- is the opportunity for the DM to do one of his moves (and shake the situation). 😉

  2. To expand on what Daniele Di Rubbo said, “bind it to the fiction you’d like to create” means that it should connect to interesting fictional situations – both for the input (“When you…”) and the output (The actual results of the move.)

    So the first step is to find a good situation that is:

    A) Fictionally interesting from both input and output perspectives

    B) Not already easily covered by an existing Move.

    from there, well, you’ve hopefully already got your fictional input, and can start writing…

    “When you perform a ritual in the light of a Lunar Conjunction…”

    Then you need to think of some interesting outcomes, both good and bad. And you’re…most of the way there?

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