The Warren – Rustbunnies

The Warren – Rustbunnies

The Warren – Rustbunnies

Arizona sun beating down on the rusted hulks of a near-abandoned auto-wrecker’s, all silent save for the creaks and pings of metal expanding and contracting in the changing heat.  A silence shattered by the vicious barks of the chained Dog the Man keeps near his shack. Hot, dry, and dusty, no real place for life… a graveyard… but the crumpled metal bones and shells of the Man’s dead monsters offer shelter to the ragged survivors of a warren savaged by Dark Choking Clouds of Death.

It was only supposed to be a brief stop, a shelter from the sun as Hemlock, the great, but dying, leader, found us a new home… but Hemlock died… and a new generation has been born and know only this flaking, crumbling home… a home with no leader… with no one to guide us.

A star-spangled night, our ancestors a-watch over us.  A sliver moon, yet to grow fat with light.  Cool air.  Four bucks, young, old, and in-between, out alone in the dry gullies, searching… searching for what was stolen from the warren… out of sight of home… a long way from safety… 

Ran another session of The Warren this weekend… wow… the above was how it started.  Big thanks to Marshall Miller  for letting me have a chance to explore that world.  Really looking forward to how it ends… and begins!

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