Journeyman’s Cup Final Confirmation

Journeyman’s Cup Final Confirmation

Journeyman’s Cup Final Confirmation

Monday, June 1, aiming to start at 7.30pm (central time). Some people will be coming in a little late.

(this Friday 5/29 may also work but I think Monday seemed the most clear for folks)

Rohit Ramnath Matthew Caulder Jason Cox Joe Zantek 

Stras Acimovic and Peter Bothwick may be late, right?

Joseph Le May Adams Tower also invited, welcome if you can make it, but not integral to the card.


12 thoughts on “Journeyman’s Cup Final Confirmation”

  1. FYI I will be making the hangout and sending out the invite sometimes between 6.45-7 (central), aiming to go live at 7.30. So if you get the invite and you’re all BUT IM NOT READY it’s cool, come in whenever you’re ready, we’ll just be talking about how awesome Kevin Owens is until you show up.

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