8 thoughts on “So!”

  1. I’m a huge proponent of indie wrestling, especially Chikara, AIW, AAW, PWG.  You can find their events (and many others) for sale over at http://www.smartmarkvideo.com.  

    Ring of Honor is very cool and has, from what I understand, a weekly show on some cable sports network, but I don’t do television (everything I watch is online – streaming and/or downloaded), so I can’t be more specific than that.  

    But, yes, do watch both Lucha Underground and NXT, both are amazing and fun and way better than the mainstream WWE programs. 

  2. Ring of Honor will soon be airing Wednesday nights on Destination America. Beyond that, you can watch their show for free on their website with a delay of a couple of days. Good show.

  3. I watched my first episode of ROH the other day and the announcers spent more time talking about the 800 number than they did talking about the title match that was going on. Is that normal for ROH or just a fluke?

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