As MC, What do you do if your players make a trouble ( and give you a good chance to make a soft/hard move) but…

As MC, What do you do if your players make a trouble ( and give you a good chance to make a soft/hard move) but…

As MC, What do you do if your players make a trouble ( and give you a good chance to make a soft/hard move) but rolled 10+?

In one of my session, PCs had beaten a bartender for getting informations (go Aggro) and got a 10. Of course they got information, but the bartender had some friends to take revenge for him, and PCs had to fight with them after some scenes.

My players were discomforted with this result, because they thought they completely overwhelmed the bartender and he couldn’t dare to complain.

What do you think?

8 thoughts on “As MC, What do you do if your players make a trouble ( and give you a good chance to make a soft/hard move) but…”

  1. It makes sense because it came.scenes later. Though also you could have hinted at revenge in the between scenes. Shadow it with the hard they know it might come, then do it. Although over you seem to have played it perfectly

  2. Even if the PCs solidly beat the bartender and he didn’t complain, some other NPC might have had reason to know about the beat-down and seek revenge. Just because the PCs had one good break does not mean it’s all easy from now on. Were there other missed rolls between the beating and the revenge? If you had a chance to make an MC move, then “announce future badness” is the perfect one to use and say “Remember that bartender? He had some friends.” Then you have a good setup for the revenge fight.

  3. Success on go aggro – if the target chooses to do what you want rather than sucking it up – means that the target is so fearful of your threat right now that they are cowed and do what you want. That doesn’t mean they are cowed forever. In fact, if they can get the upper hand later on then they’ll have every reason to take revenge. As for the target’s friends, they weren’t cowed in the first place.

    Success means you succeed in what you were doing. It doesn’t mean nothing bad can ever come out of that.

  4. I agree with all the earlier comments.  I also just wanted to throw in…they beat him up, so injuries are obvious and others are capable of noticing and asking questions/investigating.

  5. As long as you foreshadowed it by “announcing future badness” then you’re good. If you made a hard move directly after resolving the 10+ then that would be wrong, because you only make a hard move when a miss is rolled or when nobody is taking action.

  6. GM Agenda #1: Make Apocalypse World seem real

    Of course the bartender’s friends are going to hear about it and want revenge for their friend.  

    This doesn’t invalidate the 10+ success; that roll got them the information without problems  _at the time._  But now they have to deal with the consequences of their actions.

    You made the right call. 🙂

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