I found these great diagrams of biplane combat manoeuvres. Fall into a side slip if you get caught in the searchlights. Maybe the Germans will think you’re hit and look for another target.

I found these great diagrams of biplane combat manoeuvres.
I found these great diagrams of biplane combat manoeuvres. Fall into a side slip if you get caught in the searchlights. Maybe the Germans will think you’re hit and look for another target.
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Thanks! I’m sure they will be useful.
Very handy for visualizing what’s going on and what you can do about it.
This wikipedia article has some excellent diagrams showing how different displacement roll maneouvres are used to gain advantage in a dogfight (offensively or defensively).
More here:
The only RPG I’ve played in recent memory where I wish I had miniatures. This will help!
Never do an Immelman or a split-S in a Po-2; the fuel and oil systems are both gravity fed.
Very cool!
Oooh yes, awesome find!
Or a Hurricane, the carburetor will choke.