Hey all, I’m sure this is covered in the book but are there any moves that happen when a character hits 8 harm?

Hey all, I’m sure this is covered in the book but are there any moves that happen when a character hits 8 harm?

Hey all, I’m sure this is covered in the book but are there any moves that happen when a character hits 8 harm? Is there a death save etc or are they just out of luck barring resurrection spells etc?

4 thoughts on “Hey all, I’m sure this is covered in the book but are there any moves that happen when a character hits 8 harm?”

  1. Grim World has awesome Death Moves – so when you die, you leave a mark on the world. That might be quite easy and effective to port over. 

    That said, I had a Wronged who died and first passed into an evil sword, and then into the body of a colleague, and only now … vanished from play. 

  2. I’d let it be up to the player. Rules aside, characters in my campaigns only die when their players want them to. And they do more than you’d think. We’re Danes, we love to play to lose 😉

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