So, I’m trying to create a character.

So, I’m trying to create a character.

So, I’m trying to create a character. In a way its a mash-up of Ben 10 and Green Lantern, a kid that gains “lantern-type” superpowers from a sentient alien weapon fused to his arm.

SInce I’ve never played this sort of character before, I’m stumped what to put under Impossible. It needs to be something tangible and so far the only thing I’ve come up with is:

“Remove the Ion Gauntlet except upon his Death”

Since basically, the gauntlet has for all intents and purposes replaced his right arm from the elbow down with nodules of alien circuitry snaking as far up as his neck, the kid can’t remove the alien device from his body without basically killing him.

3 thoughts on “So, I’m trying to create a character.”

  1. I don’t think that’s a bad Impossible to have, but maybe fits in better as a limitation than on the Powers Profile.

    It could be something that puts a ceiling on power (Impossible to punch through adamantium, hit with the force of an ICBM) or distance (hit something more than 2 blocks away, hit something the size of a fly), it could be something like “can’t affect things that are yellow”, it could be something like “Impossible to use when he has no will/hope/etc left in him”, or “harm sentient beings”. 

  2. Just for fun. I’ve been trying to find a game where this character will fit for years but every time I join a new superhero game there’s always some setting or game element which directly blocks the character concept.

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