I’m going to start a (hopefully) fun series of Archetype avatar/example posts; one for each.

I’m going to start a (hopefully) fun series of Archetype avatar/example posts; one for each.

I’m going to start a (hopefully) fun series of Archetype avatar/example posts; one for each. The plan is that I will post my favourite example of each Archetype and ask you what your favourite is. Any form of media goes, though I personally prefer television and movie examples.

Might as well start alphabetically with The Aware. My go-to Aware is Beth Turner from Moonlight. She’s got great instincts for mysteries, refuses to ever let up when she starts a case, has a long history with the supernatural (though she doesn’t know it), and I may or may not have a small celebrity crush on Sophia Myles!

Who is your quintessential Aware?

17 thoughts on “I’m going to start a (hopefully) fun series of Archetype avatar/example posts; one for each.”

  1. My big intro was Forever Knight (yes with the terrible montage piano solos :P). But I’m with you, largely because it was one of the best updates to the modern era in my book. Made vamps believable, and the supporting cast not dupes.


    Major from iZombie (who is unaware in the first 10 or so episodes). Because nearly everything he says is a movie or tv show reference. Good example of neglecting mortal duties because of the supernatural, too.

  3. Murph would definitely be my go to example, but Kenzi from Lost Girl seems like an excellent Aware.  She slides less into the Hunter-style role that I think it could be argued Murph fits into.

  4. I was the friend who mentioned Elisa Maza, who is an awesome Aware!

    As long as we are including superhero shows in urban fantasy (and why not?), I’d also like to nominate Claire Temple from Daredevil.

  5. I will absolutely +1 any mention of Elisa Maza from Gargoyles. She’s one of my favorite television characters of all time. A tough, no-nonsense New York detective with a heart of gold. 

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