Question: Who would I go about talking to if I wanted to license and publish a setting/world for Worlds in Peril?

Question: Who would I go about talking to if I wanted to license and publish a setting/world for Worlds in Peril?

Question: Who would I go about talking to if I wanted to license and publish a setting/world for Worlds in Peril? Who should I give an elevator pitch to if I want help getting it off the ground? I have an idea for a supers setting that’s been a concept for years, and I decided just now that tomorrow I’m going to give myself completely over to fleshing it out, and Worlds in Peril is THE world I want to do it in.

10 thoughts on “Question: Who would I go about talking to if I wanted to license and publish a setting/world for Worlds in Peril?”

  1. The next official thing we have in the pipeline for WiP is the New Avalon setting, something I have been working on for a while. But we definitely encourage you to develop your own worlds and we are always here for advice and to bounce ideas off of.

  2. That’s really exciting! So we following in the footsteps of Dungeon World by making Worlds in Peril Creative Commons. We’re very excited to see how people hack, supplement, and build on the game in whatever way they decide. I’m not very interested in being a gatekeeper to the system and requesting that stuff be approved by me or Adam or Jason.

    I’m totally up for giving my own thoughts, opinions, and advice about stuff if the creator wants that, but if you want your world to be one of the ones in peril, that’s really cool and I’d love to see it happen!

  3. Yeah, you can do it without asking permission. The only problem could be the Share-alike clause in the license for the text. Depending on how you do it, you might have to put the setting under the same license as the game text.

  4. You definitely don’t need our permission. We want as much material as possible out for WiP and encourage independent development since we are independent developers who benefited from others allowing their systems to be used freely. When I say “official” and “we” I just mean from Samjoko the development team. Like Kyle said we don’t hold any special keys to the system or have any desire to.

  5. Would you guys be open to removing the Share-alike clause from the text license? I would love to use WiP for an open universe project, but requiring derivative makers to use the same license isn’t something I want to use in my business model.

  6. Sorry Mike, even if the Creative Commons license wasn’t what we wanted for the game, and even if the book hadn’t already gone to print, we’d be legally required to put it under the ShareAlike license as we use some of the text in Dungeon World in some form or another, which is also ShareAlike.

    That said, all you’d have to do to avoid putting your own work under that license would be to not use any of the text in Worlds in Peril. You could get around that by simply referencing pages or moves without copying chunks of text no problem I would think.

  7. Wait so I got confused by all the internal insider people discussion. Is the answer basically “Go ahead just use the license included” or is there some other red tape I gotta cut through too or???

  8. If you want to use text from Worlds in Peril, which is under a Creative Commons license, you need to also make your text Creative Commons. If you don’t use any text from World in Peril, you can do whatever you like and license it however you want.

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