So I have the ultimatum.

So I have the ultimatum.

So I have the ultimatum. My brother’s Shadowrun game is set to come to reach a chapter end in 6 weeks to 2 months. So time to get the campaign prepared.

My current thought is that the evil Shintoist who is the Ainu Exile’s nemesis is experimenting with let lines, time travel and dengue shui in order to rewrite reality to serve his desires. His experimentations have resulted in destabilizing the borders between worlds causing occasional fluctuations in dimensional boundaries. So far they’ve been minor but as the crux of his manipulations have started to come together they’ve been getting more serious. These fluctuations have been going on across the period of time that the Shintoist is experimenting with and been utilized by other occultist a for various reasons for thousands of years.

The Chosen character was conceived and born during such minor fluctuations. Basically making him something of a potential lynchpin of reality.

In addition, sometimes the borders between realms vanishes and congeals into a chaotic whole eventually spawning an entity that seeks to absorb all realities into itself. Sort of a antithesis of the Chosen

The Chosen “can save the world” because he is the entity’s weakness in a sense. However. He “can’t save everybody” because those parts of the worlds that were absorbed can be recovered with effort but if that happens they will always carry the seed of the entity’s return. But truly destroying the entity will mean all those recovered people, places and things are lost. (Unless that tag of his fate changes)

I think the first adventure is going to deal with stirges appearing in an abandoned Canadian mining town that someone is trying to reopen.

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