Today’s Archetype-Avatar takes us into the fiery depths of Hell (or Hel) where the Tainted reigns as servant supreme!

Today’s Archetype-Avatar takes us into the fiery depths of Hell (or Hel) where the Tainted reigns as servant supreme!

Today’s Archetype-Avatar takes us into the fiery depths of Hell (or Hel) where the Tainted reigns as servant supreme!

There are some great examples of The Tainted in urban fantasy, but one stuck out to me as particularly perfect in my research. I give you Lilah Morgan: attorney at law and rising star at The Wolf, The Ram and The Hart (aka Wolfram Hart). Lilah happily sold her soul for power and prestige and has no qualms about doing the dirty work on behalf of her dark powers.

What do you think? Have anyone better in mind?

14 thoughts on “Today’s Archetype-Avatar takes us into the fiery depths of Hell (or Hel) where the Tainted reigns as servant supreme!”

  1. Just for Bret Gillan​​​ I’m going to say Ghost Rider.

    For myself I’d probably say either Sam Oliver from Reaper, or George from Dead Like Me.

    I mean, George is kind of an edge case, working for death’s beuraucacy instead of a demon, but it totally fits the worst job ever part. 

    Oh, and Faust, of course.

  2. I love Lilah and I am ashamed I didn’t think of her for the Tainted before you suggested her, but she is an excellent choice.

    I’d like to suggest Zeke Stone from Brimstone.

  3. Ohhh yes! Henry is a fantastic choice! Didn’t even think of that one. Abraham works quite well too, headless demon-form and all! 😀

    Sleepy Hollow is some great urban fantasy fodder!

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