After the success of playing a one-off set in Trud Gornyaka, we decided to “reboot” and go back to training.

After the success of playing a one-off set in Trud Gornyaka, we decided to “reboot” and go back to training.

After the success of playing a one-off set in Trud Gornyaka, we decided to “reboot” and go back to training. We did the Engels Aerodrome duty station, with all three training missions in one 3-hour session (so I could deliberately set the pace very fast) with four players and me as GM.

Training was punctuated by encounters with a psychotic, goat-kicking officer trainee scarred by her experiences in Soviet orphanages and with a sleazy boiled-egg eating military police who was sitting on a stash of vodka.

The highlight was when it turned out that the Raven Adventurer was a former ballet dancer from Moscow, forced to retire through injury and now living only to fly. The Owl Zealot wrote a letter to the editor of the Red Army Gazetta praising her comrade and this caught the attention of the 218th brass who demanded that she perform for the men. Although accompanied by the conservatory-trained Hawk Misanthrope on piano, the performance was a disaster (miss on a Tempt Fate roll) leading to further injury and resounding humiliation from the men.

The session was called “Black Swan Down”.

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