Has anyone reworked the Chosen to be, well, less Buffyian?

Has anyone reworked the Chosen to be, well, less Buffyian?

Has anyone reworked the Chosen to be, well, less Buffyian?

I like the themes of training, self-destruction and violence, but the background doesn’t give or take strings on other PCs there aren’t a lot of ways to interact negatively with other PCs. “Mercy” is the only one that’s helpful, and it requires you to be pretty violent (or have a low “I’m gonna kill you” threshold).

3 thoughts on “Has anyone reworked the Chosen to be, well, less Buffyian?”

  1. Putting aside it’s ties to Buffy, I think what really stands out about the Chosen from all the other skins is the inherent obligation and responsibility they bring into the story.

    When you have an angry werewolf, addicted internal and vengeful ghost; they have a more selfless and oriented goal, but are purposely ill prepared to handle that task or any other situation that’ll arise MH.

    Anyways, the background for the Chosen reads as if it’s open to pick among pc or npc’s as the monster-slaying friends.

    Here are some skins that may touch on the obligation themes and can be played with a monster hunter bent:

    The Agent, The Gargoyle, The Serpentine, The Creature, The Witchhunter and The Ghoul

  2. The Serpentine is about Us vs Them obligation, which I like. The Ghoul has ONE move that allows it to be a hunter, but its core principle is feeding antisocial hungers.

  3. As writen, the Chosen is a good center for the web of relations. Think about letting the Chosen to be the very first character to declare background. Being the one suited for dealing revenge and protecting people, the others will have reason to assert themselves around him, while he’s completely UNsuited to deal with such attention. That’s where the fun lies with the Chosen.

    If you want something different, maybe the Chosen aren’t the best skin to begin with.

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