Here are some homebrew gimmicks.

Here are some homebrew gimmicks.

Here are some homebrew gimmicks. I haven’t playtested these, and they are still WIP, so some feedback will be appreciated.

The Looker

You may not always be the strongest, but you will always be the best looking. You use your good looks to get the audience on your side or to turn against you, but it’s up to you to prove to the audience that you’re more than just a pretty face.


Who is jealous of my looks?

Who showed me how to perform better in the ring?

Who came to me to learn how to work the crowd?

Who tried to harm my looks?

Stats: +2 look, -1 Power, -2 Real, 0 Work, then add one to one stat and subtract one from another.

Finishing Move: Roll 2d6. On 10+, you and your opponent gain +1 audience. On a 7-9, choose either +1 heat with them or +1 momentum each. On a botch, choose either -1 audience (You don’t make it look good) or you injure yourself (Sacrifice your body to save your looks).

Then pick 2:

“I make it look good!”: Roll +Look for your finisher

Bark and Bite: +1 Work(Max +3)

Mr. Galaxy: +1 Power (Max +3)

Can’t stay mad at me: Can work the crowd even after a botch. Rolling 10+ when working the crowd also gives you +1 heat to you and your opponent(s) until the end of the episode, and on a 7-9 you choose who gets it.

When injured, check an injury box and gain +1 heat with the wrestler you were working with. The Looker starts and resets with +2 audience, and gets three injury boxes.

The Dirty Player

Not only are you known for your dirty tactics, but the matches just don’t seem right if you don’t try some underhanded move.  Whether to put your opponent off their game or humiliate them, you don’t shy away from less-than-honorable attacks to get the win.


Who doesn’t appreciate my tactics?

Who did I last humiliate in ring?

Who did I help win by interfering?

Which wrestler needs to be taken down?

Stats: +1 look, -1 Power, 0 Real, -1 Work, then add one to one stat and subtract one from another.

Finishing Move: Roll 2d6. On 10+, you and your opponent gain +1 audience. On a 7-9, choose either +1 heat with them or +1 momentum each. On a botch you both lose -1 audience (Obviously botched cheap shot) or the match ends in DQ regardless of booking.

Then pick 2:

Four-and-a-half: If your character continues a submission or other illegal attack (striking the head of a downed/cornered opponent, for instance), despite the ref’s calling, roll +work.  On 10+ you let go, retain control and you both gain +1 heat. On 7-9, you pull away and your opponent takes control. Creative chooses who gets +1 heat. On a botch, the referee forces you away; your opponent takes control and no heat is given.

Slippery Devil: +1 Momentum if facing off against an opponent with a higher power or work, +2 momentum if both are higher.

Mr. Clean: +1 work (Max +3)

Cheap Heat: Roll +Real on top of +audience when working the audience

When you get injured, check an Injury box, and note who did it. While injured, you can interfere in any of their matches without Creative’s approval or consent, and they gain +1 Momentum when you do so. The Dirty Player starts and resets with +1 audience, and gets three injury boxes.


A large specimen, you are more about mass than height. To lift you is a feat of strength, and you can be surprisingly agile for your size, but the wear and tear of the business takes a greater toll on your body.


Who can carry me (literally) in the ring?

Who failed on their last attempt to pick me up?

Who thinks I won’t last with my health problems?

Who is impressed by my athleticism?

Stats: -1 look, +1 Power, -2 Real, 0 Work, then add one to one stat.

Finishing Move: Roll 2d6. On 10+, you and your opponent gain +1 audience. On a 7-9, choose either +1 heat with them or +1 momentum each.  On a botch you either injure yourself or your opponent.

Poor Health: No matter how athletic or strong the superheavyweight may be, his size makes it hard to stay in the ring for long. When receiving an injury, roll 2d6+ (stat the roll was made in, if any). On a 10+, there is no additional effect. On 7-9, creative chooses if it wasn’t a finish: the ref calls a no-contest; the opponent must finish the match however they want (it had to end so you can get treatment). On a botch, the match is called as a no contest and you choose: -1 Audience or you receive an additional injury. If in a match with multiple opponents or a tag match, the wrestler must leave if the roll is not 10+ and also not a finish.

Then pick 1:

Mountain of Man: +1 Look (Max +3)

Flying Fortress: +1 Work when performing a feat of agility (Arial moves, enziguri, leapfrogging an opponent, ect.). Double your “Work” stat before the bonus to limit how many times you can use this (minimum of 1 time if Work is 0 or less.)

Immovable Object: You get +1 momentum whenever your opponent attempts a power move, and on a 10+ you both gain heat.

Creative won’t book you in a non-squash match while you’re injured. If you do compete against Creative’s wishes, gain +1 Heat with your opponent. The Superheavyweight starts and resets with +1 audience, and gets four injury boxes.

7 thoughts on “Here are some homebrew gimmicks.”

  1. I know I’ve personally needed some of these, I’ve put wrestlers into the high flyer, hardcore, and the athlete for these kinds of wrestlers. I can definitely see using these.

  2. Some first-time notes:

    In general, Audience for both seems like a lot for a move that’s generally a momentum dump. Doubly so with Looker’s ability to roll their high stat for finishes.

    Looker seems like a good base, but doesn’t really have much interesting going on. Maybe drop one of the +Stat moves and go with something to do with doing things in the ring to protect their face, either to get heat or momentum? Something that gives them two different active moves. 

    Dirty Player also looks pretty good, but giving creative choices in the middle of the match might be a little distracting in play. Also, for cheap heat, giving people a potential +7 (4 Audience, 3 Real) seems like  it could be a bit much for working the audience. While that’s an extreme that probably won’t happen, even a bonus of 5 makes it unable to be failed and therefore a free source of interrupts and momentum. Maybe give it either a flat bonus, a requirement to how it can be used or both?

    Superheavyweight just needs more, ideally. Something that separates it from the Giant and the Monster. Immovable Object is a good move, though, so maybe something that triggers off similar ideas. Either that or add some positives to their Poor Health move. The Giant may get screwed by Nowhere Else To Go, but at least it has some positive aspects and can be dumped eventually.

  3. Andrew Rosenheim Alright, so how about these changes…

    The Looker:

    10+ on finish only gives audience to the Looker.

    “I make it look good!” is replaced with “Face of the Fans”, which allows them to roll + Look instead of + Real when breaking kayfabe or any other fan-related + Real roles.

    “Bark and Bite” is replaced with “Hate/Love to Love/Hate”, which allows the player a chance to interact with the audience (Think Val Venis bringing a female audience member in the ring, or the wrestler who gave his hotel keys to random women). The roll works like working the audience, but can only be done once a show, and a botch results in someone getting offended. Either a fan (-1 momentum), a wrestler (-1 heat with them), or creative (Booked in a punitive match).

    Dirty Player:

    The player, not creative, picks who gets the +1 heat on a 7-9 roll with “Four-and-a-Half”.

    “Cheap Heat” is replaced with “Cheap Shot”. Whenever the player gets in a dirty hit, they roll + Work. On a 10 + they pick two, and on a 7-9 they pick one: +1 heat with opponent; +1 momentum; Opponent gains +1 heat. On a botch, the ref sees and stops them from performing the move, allowing their opponent to take control (if he isn’t already in control) and costs the player -1 momentum.

    Super Heavyweight:

    “Poor Health” comes with +1 Momentum with every successful + Work move (Showing off your athleticism despite your size), and works like Giant when it comes to getting rid of it (You slim down enough to be considered healthy, but retain enough of your mass that you are still recognizable).

    All I can think of at the moment.

  4. I recall Nathan saying at some point that each gimmick should have a +Real move that highlights the gimmick’s role within the company .  The Looker’s Hate/Love to Love/Hate would be a good +Real candidate.  Dirty Player perhaps something that blends the Monster’s Shoot Kill with the Wasted’s You’re a Problem Yourself  For the Super Heavyweight, perhaps Poor Health is +Real with an Audience gain on the 10+ or something like the Veteran’s Put Over or the Hardcore’s Are you not entertained

  5. Those are definitely better versions of the moves in question. They may need work, but it’s post-playtest work rather than something that seems obvious right now. 

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