In case people didn’t see this earlier.
Originally shared by Sophie Lagace
Nahual Squad is a game by Mexican writers, to be released in both Spanish and English, and based on Mexican fiction, powered by the Apocalypse. I can’t wait.
Is there a sense of at what rate the creators are producing? Is a $1 pledge going to come to a few dollars a month, $20 etc?
Derek, it seems to be about $2 a month on average.
Sweet, I actually set myself to backing before I asked, but then realized that it may bite me in the ass if I didn’t ask.
Then you can access the beta 0.2 version in English. I wish the comic this is based on was available in English.
Thanks Derek Pounds for your support. And it is usually about $2 a month (if you pledged $1), but also, Patreon let’s you set a monthly top, if you want to make sure. =)
Again thanks for the support and thanks Sophie Lagace for promoting!