These three photos are the sheets I had in front of me by the end of the SeaTacPorCouver run of The Bogatyrev Jam at…

These three photos are the sheets I had in front of me by the end of the SeaTacPorCouver run of The Bogatyrev Jam at…

These three photos are the sheets I had in front of me by the end of the SeaTacPorCouver run of The Bogatyrev Jam at Origins.

The notes I take during Step 0 (Corp creation) are in the middle of the table:

The first image below comprises the notes I take on the characters as I ask the players questions while they make characters. It includes chapter name, playbook, what cyberware they have, what tags they have from getting their cyberware, descriptive notes, and their personal directives. (Incidentally, this is pretty much what my notes look like for every game I run, especially Dungeon World).

The second image shows my notes from the Links phase. I condense each mission description into a sentence beginning with the protagonist’s name and mentioning the target corp, then each character that was involved gets and indented line describing their involvement. Each character’s mission ends with the state of that corp clock.

The third image show my general notes from the game. Usually this comprises cool tech or setting notes and the name of people and places that the character encounter or create during the game.

Depending on the mission and how well I know it, I sometimes have the mission description in front of me too. There’s an example of that in the rulebook (The Kurosawa Extraction, pp.204-6).

9 thoughts on “These three photos are the sheets I had in front of me by the end of the SeaTacPorCouver run of The Bogatyrev Jam at…”

  1. Is there a way for me to talk to an experienced MC? I’m a long time player of cyberpunk2020 and just been exposed to all this PbtA mechanics. I’m working on putting together my first Sprawl game and just had a few questions and things I wanted to talk about 🙂

  2. I’m too busy for Hangouts at the moment. Will you be at Gen Con?

    Otherwise, you can post questions in this community too. That’s a major part of what this space is for.

  3. Awesome! I won’t be at gen-con 🙁 Will there eventually be a Sprawl book like the dungon world one? What can I do to support the cause? 

    I saw some posts about Seattle down there. I go there semi-frequently. Any players in that area?

  4. There will be a book in physical (print on demand) and pdf form later this year. Stay tuned to this community and/or the relevant twitter accounts for release details.

    I’m in Seattle now, but not for much longer before I head to the Midwest.

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