Hi all.

Hi all.

Hi all. I’m trying to grok WWWRPG and things aren’t going so well. I consider myself decently experienced with PbtA games, and I’m not really having trouble with the rules. What I lack is experience with and exposure to professional wrestling. I have no “reality” to see what these moves are modeling, and so am unsure how everything fits together.

So help a complete wrestling newbie out. Are there some YouTube links to “classic” matches, so I can see how everything hangs together? Thanks. 🙂

6 thoughts on “Hi all.”

  1. On the top right of the group, there’s a link titled “Suggested Clips Community Resource (WIP)” that will help you. There are links to classic matches along with a text translating what you see into WWWRPG rules

  2. WWW uses the real wrestling slang almost everywhere it’s appropriate, so a straight-up Google search on any term will hook you up easy. Especially so for actual moves, with a video search.

  3. That list may not cover everything! Let us know if you have particular areas that still seem frustratingly opaque.

    Do you have/have access to Hulu? To see how a full show is structured you can look up current WWE product there, as well.

  4. I’d also recommend some of the play thru write ups.  Written from GM’s’ perspective, they continue the Creative role of “bringing it all together”

    If you’d like to play in a hangout game I have one scheduled in a couple weeks

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