There is no way in hell that I’m going to watch every G1 Climax match, but I made myself a match tracking sheet so I…

There is no way in hell that I’m going to watch every G1 Climax match, but I made myself a match tracking sheet so I…

There is no way in hell that I’m going to watch every G1 Climax match, but I made myself a match tracking sheet so I can make sure to catch the guys I want to see. Maybe if others are watching some of the finals it’ll be helpful for you?

I printed it out, am highlighting the matches I want to see, and then I check the ones I actually do watch. 

Yay G1!

4 thoughts on “There is no way in hell that I’m going to watch every G1 Climax match, but I made myself a match tracking sheet so I…”

  1. Seriously.

    They also just announced KUSHIDA vs. goddam Ricochet for the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight title on the final final show, btw.

    My personal stacked show is Day 5 – Makabe/Shibata, Tanahashi/Naito AND Styles/Ibushi. 

  2. New Naito is growing on me.  He’s a guy that really hasn’t shown me much over the years to get me invested, but he might finally be hitting his stride.

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