So, our were-tiger (The Wolf) told a werewolf leader that the Mayor of New York had asked her and her pride to wipe…

So, our were-tiger (The Wolf) told a werewolf leader that the Mayor of New York had asked her and her pride to wipe…

So, our were-tiger (The Wolf) told a werewolf leader that the Mayor of New York had asked her and her pride to wipe out the werewolves.  This was indeed true and she told the werewolf leader where the mayor would be on the night he was to turn.

The werewolves hunted down and ate the mayor to prevent further threats against them.

Does this count as ‘declaring a hunt’ to mark corruption?  I’m leaning towards yes, player thinks it doesn’t because she didn’t strictly ask them to kill the mayor.  Any thoughts or opinions?

13 thoughts on “So, our were-tiger (The Wolf) told a werewolf leader that the Mayor of New York had asked her and her pride to wipe…”

  1. I can see both sides to it. With Corruption though, I tend to side with the player. After all, corruption is more reward than punishment, if they don’t want the awesome power of corruption, sux to be them.

  2. I wasn’t at your table and thus have no idea what the intent or general tone of that conversation was. However, in a vacuum?

    “Hey killers, thought I’d go out of my way to let you know there’s this guy who’s put a hit out on you and everybody you care about. By the way, here’s where he’s gonna be on the night where you’re at your most bloodthirsty. You know, just sharing.”

    Prodding and manipulating and conning someone into bloody violence can be declaring a hunt just as much as howling at the moon with your pack at your back. It sounds like your player is trying to weasel out of it on a technicality, and Corruption doesn’t work that way; you make the choice, you mark the box.

    That said, again, I don’t know what the tone was. If by some stretch they genuinely weren’t actually intending any harm to the mayor, then sure, no Corruption for that; Corruption stems from choices you make.

  3. If the defense is “look, I didn’t tell them to kill the mayor…” but they intended for the mayor to be killed… That sounds like a hunt. It sounds like one might expect the mob to obfuscate calling for a Hit.

  4. Alfred and James have the tone exactly right; she definitely was setting up the mayor intentionally.  That’s why I was thinking it would be a Corruption moment.

    Andrew, I think you’re right on this.  I think she’s viewing it as a punishment thing and I haven’t made it clear enough yet that Corruption is actually a good thing that gets her awesome corruption moves.  I’ll sit down and talk with her, make sure she understands that Corruption can be an awesome thing, and then let her decide!

    Thank you all very much!

  5. When I play US I gun for as much Corruption as I can get as soon as I can get it. But I recognize I am not the only kind of player out there. (ps Corruption is the best!!!)

  6. Andrew Medeiros Lots of Let It Out, lots of channeling, and a few bargains with dark powers. Darn it, I was the last protector of my section of the city and there was a vampire causing problems…  It helped that after a few players moved to other tables it turned into an (even more) awesome 1-on-1 gaming session with Mark Diaz Truman for an hour or so.

  7. Update!  I spoke with our Wolf and discussed Corruption a little bit more to ensure that she fully understood what was going on with it.  She has decided she does want the Corruption and I think she’s eyeing that Sun and Moon.

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