6 thoughts on “Hey, making some confusion between all these rules systems…”

  1. This confusion goes away if you put the narrative first. Remember, “if you do it, then do it”. Just like moves, you don’t “cash in” a debt until the narrative presses you to do it. So you should say “Hey Joe, pay for my McDonalds” and Joe says “I suppose, are you cashing in that debt?” then you say “Oh, sure.” and bam. Exchange. If he says “No, buy your own damn nuggets”, then you can retort with “Are you refusing the debt?” and now it’s on their shoulders to make the denial move.

  2. Yeah, so, like the originl Rite of Prestation.

    The confusion was born after reading (too) well the debt part. But, if English is your first language, I bet “To cash in” is clear enough.


  3. Also, there is a grey area between saying yes and actually doing what’s been asked. We accidentally ran into this in a game Brendan ran at Metatopia or Dreamation, where he counted my Tainted’s beginning to work on fulfilling a debt to an NPC pair as actually fulfilling it. We both agreed in a later scene that it was clear that my PC was emphatically not paying that debt, and that everyone would know this. I’m not sure whether this was before or after the move for refusing to pay a debt had been solidified.

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