The Sprawl was the fifth most played game at Gen Con GoD!

The Sprawl was the fifth most played game at Gen Con GoD!

The Sprawl was the fifth most played game at Gen Con GoD!

How many of you played? What did you like most?

Originally shared by Jeremy Friesen

Some preliminary stats for Games on Demand at GenCon. 

114 Unique Games Played

Game and Player Hours (a 4 hour game with 3 people is 12 played hours)

Dungeon World 248

The Warren 144

Fate Core 108

Fiasco 102

The Sprawl 88

Project: Dark 80

Worlds in Peril 76

Monsterhearts 76

4 thoughts on “The Sprawl was the fifth most played game at Gen Con GoD!”

  1. I played, twice! Really wanted to dig into the cyberspace moves, loved the Hacker more than I suspected I would. Might try to run a one-shot today in fact.

  2. The wife Pamela Alexander and I played once. Loved it. Probably the things I liked most were the things I didn’t expect. Namely, the gear move and the planning move. I thought it was a brilliant thing to take out what are huge time wasters in standard CP gaming. Time wasters with next to nil fun involved for most folks. 

  3. I’m so jealous. I’m dying, I would have loved to have been at gen-con for The Sprawl and Netrunner (cool cyberpunk LCG for those who need something to do while we wait for sprawl to come out 🙂 Can’t wait for more updates about gencon games and release dates (winkwink)

  4. I’m a big fan of Netrunner, both the original game and the new release. I will almost certainly write a blog post mashing the two together when time allows.

    There should also be a backer update later this week. You can probably guess what it will cover from @thesprawl_rpg’s tweets over the weekend!

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