9 thoughts on “Another question! Sorry. ^^ you can call me 1001 questions! XD”

  1. Marco Andreetto , please don’t throw around the theme of suicide so casually.

    But yes, huge requests are ridiculous to make. The favour being asked should be on par with the one being given. You as MC always have veto power over the Persuade an NPC move. If you don’t think enough if being offered, then there is no roll, period. Use your common sense with this stuff.

  2. i’m sorry for my bad english.

    My doubt coming from this statement:

    “At the same time, your request has to be proportional to your leverage. It’s

    absurd to think that an NPC will betray a close friend because you asked

    them to flip. Promising them something they want, seducing them with your

    charms, or threatening their safety might work, but the leverage has to match

    the request. The MC is the final judge on what counts as proper leverage..

    Spending a Debt always counts as providing moderate leverage for this move,

    such that most NPCs will consider moderate favors and demands.”

    English isn’t my native language, maybe I don’t understand it properly.

    Reading this I understand that the MC is the final judge of what is a proper leverage, even with the spent of a debt.

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