Got a question!

Got a question!

Got a question! I’m going to be playing a Hunter in an upcoming game (first game since I’ve had the full final rules on-hand), and I was wondering what the heck the anchored tag from the Enchanted weapon feature does. Couldn’t find it in the core rules or in the Hunter playbook or anywhere else, so I asked the other players, and one of them said that it meant the weapon could be summoned and banished at will (bitchin’ feature, by the way).

I asked where he’d gotten that info, and he said that his friend had heard it from one of the authors. Dunno if that’s true or not, but anyway: my question is, can we get a definition for this tag (whether it’s the above or whatever else) added into the pdf? Having it in the hard copy would be great too if you guys are still looking for a printer and can still edit things, but I understand if it’s too far along for that. I wouldn’t care so much, only neither the tag’s name nor the name of the feature are especially self-explanatory like most of the other tags are.

Edit: Oh, okay, I see a discussion on this very thing from earlier this month, so I know Andrew’s aware of it at least. Still, the explanation given there isn’t especially satisfying; even if it’s mean to be open to interpretation, I’d still like that intention to be outlined in the rulebook, since every other tag has its intention lined out. Again, the name isn’t very illuminating.

5 thoughts on “Got a question!”

  1. I don’t take any list as exhaustive, Mark–especially when the mechanics include workshop-style moves. 😉

    Options given without self-evident meaning irk me, though, so I’m glad to hear that’s getting added in!

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