Playing a one-shot, using my greenscreen webcam setup and some fancy software effects (overlay, distortion, animated…

Playing a one-shot, using my greenscreen webcam setup and some fancy software effects (overlay, distortion, animated…

Playing a one-shot, using my greenscreen webcam setup and some fancy software effects (overlay, distortion, animated background). I like how this underlines “I’m a spirit!”. Maybe I’ll add some Voice Changer software next.

A short video of the action:

Originally shared by Manuel “ManuFS” Sambs

The screen setup for tonight’s Urban Shadows game. Dicestream crapped out, so I had to connect a second webcam to make an impromptu dice cam (via picture-in-picture function), because I really like to roll in the open.

Damn I like SparkoCam. 😀

4 thoughts on “Playing a one-shot, using my greenscreen webcam setup and some fancy software effects (overlay, distortion, animated…”

  1. I added a short video to show how it looks in action. 🙂

    Christopher Meid  My setup is a Logitech C270 webcam with a $20 greenscreen. I have a portable frame for the greenscreen (aprox. $40). Plus, some diffusers for lighting (the greenscreen must be lit very evenly).

    The software is SparkoCam (Ultimate Licence, about $40 to $60).

    On my Core i7-2600 (Quadcore, 3.4GHz) SparkoCam uses around 15% CPU. Also 300 megabytes of RAM.

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