4 thoughts on “About the enemies: How many hit point (clock segments) they should have?”

  1. Are you talking about individual guys or enemy “entities”? If my understanding is correct the individual enemies don’t necessarily have hit points. Your characters can make a move to kill a guy somehow and it either; works, doesn’t work, or they have a partial success. If you’re talking about a corporation clock or a gang clock then  that will slowly advance at certain narrative triggers within the story. I’m more familiar with dungon world and still learning the sprawl so someone may need to jump on here and correct me if I’m wrong about this. 

  2. From my understanding, NPC harm is an abstract thing. An NPC or group of NPCs can take harm reasonable for the narrative. A common guard someone might take down dealing 1-2 harm, a professional strike team could take 2-3, and the cybered-out corporate assassin that has been plaguing the team for months could take a full 6 harm. Ultimately it is what fits the narrative of the game.

    I also treat groups of enemies as a single entity. In Apocalypse World, gangs had a collective harm and armor rating. So if you are fighting five common street things, they may have 3-harm 1-armor. If a PC fires his auto-shotgun at the gang and does 2 harm, he may have taken out 3 of the thugs in that one attack. 

    One thing to avoid is having fights get stretched out by having the PCs roll Mix-It-Up moves over and over. That isn’t interesting and the players will take an unnecessary amount of harm. That being said, I’ve only played a few games and am still working out the kinks. Do what works for you.

  3. Thx for the answers. I meant about inviduals like 2-3 merc how try to kill the PCs. This entity/gang thing is better for low.level thug. BTW it helped for me so I use your advices.

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