5 thoughts on “Anyone run Night Witches as a longcon game? 3-4 sessions of 3-4 hours each? Any thoughts on that format?”

  1. Adam D the game is episodic already, so I’d just run it that way. I’d probably start at the second or third duty station with fresh replacements arriving at a battle-hardened unit. When I ran it at GoD it was glorious to bring in new players, whose arrival always answered a need in the fiction. Sometimes to reflect how far from innocent the existing PCs were, sometimes to provide an antagonist.

  2. One beautiful example – one session three players chose to remain and we picked up a fourth. I suggested she make a character that outranked them all, and that she be assigned to “clean up the section”, which had a string of wrecks and failures behind it. It immediately gave the new player investment and a direction to run and turned out really great. She was so mean!

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