I had to improvise a custom move for a raid in a village. The Huscarl took the Child with him on the raid as a rite of passage. I gave them this custom move for the raid.
Roll + young, on 10+ take 2, on 7-9 take 1
Take the village (must take twice to conquer the village)
Distinguish yourself with honor
Protect the other from suffering terrible harm
Protect yourself from terrible harm
I asked them to roll and make their choice in private.
The Child chose Take the village.
The Huscarl chose Take the village and… Distinguish yourself.
We all expected he would protect the Child.
The Huscarl survived the suffered harm.
The Child died. Rolled a 3.
What do you say, was it a bad custom move?
No, I like it, but you have 4 options and, on 10+, you have to choose only 2 of them (and, on 7-9, only 1), and you have also to take te first one twice to conquer the village. I would have said: on 10+, take 3; on 7-9, take 2.
Another question: if you didn’t choose the second one, is your honor in question or are you just honor-neutral, so to speak?
Another important question: which was the trigger?
Probably yes, I should have given 3 and 2.
If you don’t chose the second, you get no spoils from the raid (they were seriously after the money)
The trigger was the battle itself: they were both weapon in hand attacking the village.. (I sort of took some inspiration from the battle moves AW2..)
( I’m on mobile sorry)
No problem for the mobile thing.
Ok, then I would just rephrase it as: “you distinguish yourself with honor and gain a good share of the loot accordingly”.