17 thoughts on “So where can I find out about this game?”
It is still being playtested but getting close to the end of that process. Something I have been waiting on since I heard about it being played. :). It is a powered by apocalypse game with a superhero theme.
William Nabors has it right! Brendan Conway has been developing Masks for a few years, and we’re getting ready to head to Kickstarter with it soon. We’re really excited to share it with you all!
I’m so excited I’m about to pee myself!
Colin Matter I agree. I have been stalking kickstarter every week to see if it has popped up there yet. I am super excited that my stalking can end and I can fund this.
Jenn Martin I am so excited to SEE this game I have been hearing about from some playtesters (I dont want to say who just in case its a secret). But I am bummed that it happens on my regular game night.
Andrea is one of my long-time playtesters, and she’s been writing posts after every game. It’s changed a lot over the course of play, but that post is pretty recent, and summarizes the game well, and I love it (thanks Andrea!).
Here’s five basic points from me:
(1) It’s a game about young superheroes, specifically around 16-20 years of age, growing up and figuring out who they are in Halcyon City, the premiere superhero city in the world.
(2) It’s based on the Powered by the Apocalypse system, which boils down to something like “Roll 2d6 and add a number. If you get a 10+, you’ll (probably) do what you set out to do without issue. If you get a 7-9, you’ll do it, but either in a lesser form, or with some complication or cost. If you get a 6 or lower, then the GM says what happens next. It’ll certainly be interesting, but chances are it won’t be good for you.”
(3) One of the game’s primary mechanics is that your stats, called Labels, shift and change over the course of play. They represent how you see yourself, and the things other people say to you or about you can change them, pushing them up and down.
(4) When you make a character, you use a playbook. There are 10 basic playbooks, each a different archetype of young superhero, each with its own niche, issues, powers, and so on.
(5) I once played a game of Masks in which the players defeated Dr. Noah with his Ark of Doom. It had pairs of robotic animals. Called his Menagerie. That is all.
Hope that helps!
Awesome. Sounds like the perfect game to run a game I tried early last year about a bunch of young heroes (most a little younger than 16 though) heavily inspired by Young Justice, Fantastic Four and Power Pack. Tried using MHR but it didn’t go so well.
Hey, I was in the game with Dr. Noah! That guy was a jerk.
Is it possible to make a mailer to send a notice when it goes live … i would love to sign up for that
Trent Boyd – We’ll post here, but we can also get an email list going if that’s something folks are interested in signing up for to get notifications.
Yes please i missed your Epyillion Kickstarter because of not getting an email
Brendan Conway, I both love and hate you for posting the link to Andrea G’s tumbler. Because I read all the Masks posts she has ever made. All of them. … it was great. But now there’s nothing left to read. sigh
I kind of know how you feel, Colin Matter!
it looks really cool. Is there a way to get playtest material?
Vincent Shine – Not yet! We’re planning on releasing something quite soon, though, so stay tuned!
It is still being playtested but getting close to the end of that process. Something I have been waiting on since I heard about it being played. :). It is a powered by apocalypse game with a superhero theme.
Indie+ is running a demo of it in a few days- https://plus.google.com/events/cth25oftsu5i8tkb38qcd3h7rak
William Nabors has it right! Brendan Conway has been developing Masks for a few years, and we’re getting ready to head to Kickstarter with it soon. We’re really excited to share it with you all!
I’m so excited I’m about to pee myself!
Colin Matter I agree. I have been stalking kickstarter every week to see if it has popped up there yet. I am super excited that my stalking can end and I can fund this.
Jenn Martin I am so excited to SEE this game I have been hearing about from some playtesters (I dont want to say who just in case its a secret). But I am bummed that it happens on my regular game night.
But at least I will get to watch the recording.
Hey David Andrews! I’m going to be putting up more information about the game over the coming days. If you want someone else’s words on the game, I’d recommend reading this post by Andrea G: http://ivorythorns.tumblr.com/post/127076659488/19-favorite-supers-rpg
Andrea is one of my long-time playtesters, and she’s been writing posts after every game. It’s changed a lot over the course of play, but that post is pretty recent, and summarizes the game well, and I love it (thanks Andrea!).
Here’s five basic points from me:
(1) It’s a game about young superheroes, specifically around 16-20 years of age, growing up and figuring out who they are in Halcyon City, the premiere superhero city in the world.
(2) It’s based on the Powered by the Apocalypse system, which boils down to something like “Roll 2d6 and add a number. If you get a 10+, you’ll (probably) do what you set out to do without issue. If you get a 7-9, you’ll do it, but either in a lesser form, or with some complication or cost. If you get a 6 or lower, then the GM says what happens next. It’ll certainly be interesting, but chances are it won’t be good for you.”
(3) One of the game’s primary mechanics is that your stats, called Labels, shift and change over the course of play. They represent how you see yourself, and the things other people say to you or about you can change them, pushing them up and down.
(4) When you make a character, you use a playbook. There are 10 basic playbooks, each a different archetype of young superhero, each with its own niche, issues, powers, and so on.
(5) I once played a game of Masks in which the players defeated Dr. Noah with his Ark of Doom. It had pairs of robotic animals. Called his Menagerie. That is all.
Hope that helps!
Awesome. Sounds like the perfect game to run a game I tried early last year about a bunch of young heroes (most a little younger than 16 though) heavily inspired by Young Justice, Fantastic Four and Power Pack. Tried using MHR but it didn’t go so well.
Hey, I was in the game with Dr. Noah! That guy was a jerk.
I enjoyed the heck out of the game, and though my perspective is not as informed as Andreas you can see it in my Origins Recap here: https://plus.google.com/107869028144585939346/posts/7aaB9uPauni
Is it possible to make a mailer to send a notice when it goes live … i would love to sign up for that
Trent Boyd – We’ll post here, but we can also get an email list going if that’s something folks are interested in signing up for to get notifications.
Yes please i missed your Epyillion Kickstarter because of not getting an email
Brendan Conway, I both love and hate you for posting the link to Andrea G’s tumbler. Because I read all the Masks posts she has ever made. All of them. … it was great. But now there’s nothing left to read. sigh
I kind of know how you feel, Colin Matter!
it looks really cool. Is there a way to get playtest material?
Vincent Shine – Not yet! We’re planning on releasing something quite soon, though, so stay tuned!