I have an idea where the PC group will have an exp track of its own, and players can sacrifice taking an exp and…

I have an idea where the PC group will have an exp track of its own, and players can sacrifice taking an exp and…

I have an idea where the PC group will have an exp track of its own, and players can sacrifice taking an exp and give it to the group instead. Then there would be some group moves. What those group moves would be, besides reputation, I am not sure yet.  My questions are… what do you think of this idea, is work developing? Has anyone already done anything like this? 

13 thoughts on “I have an idea where the PC group will have an exp track of its own, and players can sacrifice taking an exp and…”

  1. Maybe some rules to enhance teamwork, by either boosting the +x Forward earned, or maybe adding new Moves? Perhaps better effects for helping others in the team.

  2. The one thing that I worried about with doing something like that is not on the mechanical end of the spectrum but rather on the human end of things. Will a mechanic like this forge them in to a closer knit group, and eliminate a potential source of drama and conflict? This is for a Star Wars hack so I wouldn’t expect too much in the way of outright violent conflicts, but they are a scoundrelly bunch, and not your typical heroes, so I think you want a little friction in there. 

    How much player on player conflict/drama do you normally get in a AW game? 

  3. In actual AW? A lot. MCs are encouraged to create a variety of PC-NPC-PC triangles, and pull on them to create conflicts which will motivate the PCs to confront each other about something the mutual NPC did.

  4. I think this definitely has the potential to bring the players’ characters together as a group. It could probably be designed in a way to still allow for plenty of inter-player conflict, but I think it would be really cool to leverage the bonding aspect in a setting where the players are meant to be operating as a team.

    That said, by pushing them together with these mechanics any friction that exists between the characters could end up being accentuated or brought to a head. Differing people forced to work together. Worth investigating.

  5. I think I will work on it, but I will probably not do much more then doodle with it until after the game starts. That way I can see where the good sources of drama are in the group. 

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