The Monstrous and a couple of other Playbooks have unstated Moves giving them +1 to their traits (Weird for…

The Monstrous and a couple of other Playbooks have unstated Moves giving them +1 to their traits (Weird for…

The Monstrous and a couple of other Playbooks have unstated Moves giving them +1 to their traits (Weird for Monstrous).

When you shift Playbooks are those unstated moves picked up? And can we get a list of which Playbooks have those unstated moves?

3 thoughts on “The Monstrous and a couple of other Playbooks have unstated Moves giving them +1 to their traits (Weird for…”

  1. They are treated just like everything else when you shift playbook: if it still applies, then you keep it. If it doesn’t apply, lose it.

    A list? I’d have to go through them all and try to remember what I was thinking four years ago. Or, in other words, you’ll need to work it out yourself.

  2. Okay. Yeah, I’d noted one or two. I think Exile has one. Not sure of others. Just the statement on changing Playbooks is it doesn’t change stats but then a +1 to Weird on Monstrous is said it is considered an unstated move so it fell in a grey area of “is that a stat? Or is it a move?”

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