I made up some play aids for my players for our second session.

I made up some play aids for my players for our second session.

I made up some play aids for my players for our second session. I’m going to print them off on card stock and hand them out to each of them to keep track of their PO-2’s.

I’d appreciate any feedback you might have.


8 thoughts on “I made up some play aids for my players for our second session.”

  1. Steve Segedy, yep! They’re fantastic but I wanted a slightly different set-up for the PO-2 sheet. I thought each player holding their own card might lead to more of a sense of ownership/kinship of their planes. We’ll see if it works. 🙂

  2. I find that plane assignments change nightly – too often to keep the sheet up to date. We just hand out the cards to keep seat assignments straight: pilot or nav, plane 1, 2 or 3. I use the sheet to track planes’ names, tail numbers personalities and damage.

    I have a separate sheet of all our NPCs.

  3. As John says there will be a lot of movement between planes. We usually just update the big sheet, and yours will serve that purpose admirably. Just be prepared to adjust on the fly to do what’s easiest for your crew.

  4. One thing to expect – whoever is section leader will be pairing women based on factors other than what’s best for the mission. Inevitably someone will become deeply bonded to a particular tail number. Someone will need to take a green recruit. Someone will be forced to work with someone they hate for the good of the unit. Etc. Lots of shuffling around.

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