Watching NXT as they brought up the ‘controversy’ of Eva Marie failing to kick out, I knew they would start a…

Watching NXT as they brought up the ‘controversy’ of Eva Marie failing to kick out, I knew they would start a…

Watching NXT as they brought up the ‘controversy’ of Eva Marie failing to kick out, I knew they would start a corrupt ref program.

She clearly has the Special Snowflake move, and keeps rolling 10+ on it.

4 thoughts on “Watching NXT as they brought up the ‘controversy’ of Eva Marie failing to kick out, I knew they would start a…”

  1. Yep, so did I.  And so did anyone who thought about it.  

    Honestly, what choice do they have?  It’s either that, pretend it never happened, or admit in story that it’s all predetermined.  

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