Ran WiP for a local mini-convention here in the Philippines yesterday.

Ran WiP for a local mini-convention here in the Philippines yesterday.

Ran WiP for a local mini-convention here in the Philippines yesterday. This is the second group (7 players) that I ran for. Players had a blast playing the game and I was very impressed with how well it went as long as everyone was buying into the fiction.

10 thoughts on “Ran WiP for a local mini-convention here in the Philippines yesterday.”

  1. Seven for this one, six for the one before this. I wanted to do a shakedown run of the system and figured there was no better way to do it than to have random people I didn’t know make heroes for a game and run it.

    I have no voice now, but I’m very happy about WiP.

  2. It’s still a very niche hobby but I’ve been working with a group of fellow

    hobbyists to put together mini conventions where newbies can learn how rpgs

    work and play in any of 8 different games scheduled on that day.

    We’re mostly based in Metro Manila, the capital. As you get further out,

    the harder it is to find rpg gamers.

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