Just wanted to share my Wrestler with you guys and get some comments or constructive criticism!
New to the group so I hope I’m posting this in the right spot….was originally gonna post a description…. but then thought “Show don’t tell!”
As World Wide Wrestling returns from commercial break, the audience has their attention drawn to the Jumbotron….
The large screen fades out of an opaque black, and slowly brightens into fine, pure white.
As the camera begins to slowly pan out, we see that we are looking at an incredibly large, blank canvas, and sitting in the lower left corner we see the top of a man’s head, covered by a black beret.
The man never looks upward, and instead keeps his eyes glued onto the canvas as he begins to speak in French. Subtitles scroll across the bottom of the screen.
His voice is calm…serene…almost aloof, and yet his tone carries the weight of a man confident in the words he speaks.
Translated from French
“Good evening, and welcome to Paris. My name is Rene Nouveau, and this is my art gallery….”
The birds eye view remains, and we still gain no glimpse of his face, but as he rises from his seat, we begin to see him saunter across the blank white space….
“As many of you know, Paris a quintessential linchpin in terms of pushing the limits of style, music, beauty, fashion…..and art. France is innovation at its finest, and yet…we always find a way to respect and pay homage to the past.”
From his hand, a paintbrush begins to carress multiple areas of the canvas. Beautiful and bright colors of various styles and shades begin to breathe life onto what once was only a snow-soaked ocean of nothingness.
“If one were so inclined, they would be able to see the many parallels that exist between the arts and wrestling…”
Lines start coming together, everything having its place, everything smooth and dancing within an unheard rythm. The colors complementing and counteracting one another, as if coexisting within a vibrant community as a single entity.
“Wrestling is emotion. It is the ability to evoke reaction from your audience. It is a competitive contest of talents…full of signature styles and grace….”
Soon, the viewers can make out the outlines of a figure being painted.
“Wrestling is an interactive and interpretative dance. It is a test of wills. It can be, elegant, silky smooth, full of symbolism…”
The paint is slowly teased across the surface, with small lines that caress the outlines…
“Or, it can be rude, raunchy and flashy with no regrets and no remorse…”
Paint is splattered unforgivingly across parts of the canvas and the brush is jammed and stabbed over and over to create chaos and disorder.
A thunderous crash is heard as the paintbrush and a bucket is thrown across the room and lands off camera.
Then Rene Nouveau stands still. Silent.
“It has come to my attention that American Culture, and American Wrestling, has lost its way. You have forgotten that Wrestling IS an ART.
“I have heard whispers of your people even going so far as to label it a SCIENCE. This…..is blasphemy.
Wrestling is not a robotic sequence of algorithms.
Wrestling is not a generic problem to be solved.
Wrestling is the fire of expression.
Wrestling is raw emotion.
You Americans admire an overweight, over-the-hill False Prophet, who doesn’t have a single salvageable creative bone is his beat up, broken body. A talentless hack who disrespects one of the world’s most honorary forms of self expression and competition.
That is why I am coming to the United States. To remind you of what you have lost. To rekindle the flame I know still burns inside of each and every one of you whether in the locker room, or in the stands…
…I’m coming to put a stop to the death of passion. The death of individuality. The death of entertainment.”
The birds eye view slowly begins to pan out…we see a beautifully illustrated rendition of a Professor World Wide Wrestling knows all too well…
“I am The Commissioner of Commissions.
The King of the Canvas.
The Connoisseur of Chaos.
The Visionary of Vibrant Violence himself…..
I am The Artist Rene Nouveau.”
As the Artist exits the scene, the camera finally pans out fully, to reveal the outer edges of the canvas. Each of the four sides are lined with ropes…attached to each of the four corners are turnbuckles, revealing that the canvas was in actuality the mat of a wrestling ring.
Fade to black.
Signature Moves and Finisher:
Work of Art (Harlem Hangover)
Finishing Touches (Modified Texas Cloverleaf)
The Masterpiece: (Stunner)
Attire: Wears Dark Shades, a Beret, and a black turtleneck to the ring. Underwear tights that have a splattered paint pattern on them. Wrestles in the tights and the turtleneck.
His posse, consisting of him, his female enterpreter Rosé, and his muscle Boris and Batum, are known as The Avant Garde.
Jimmy Fallon should lead a stable.
But Professor Atomo retired! Or did he…
Yes he did.
Guess that means Crak will have to take up the fight in his stead then
Also if you’re looking for real critique:
You can probably describe a character in a sentence, at most a paragraph. Bray Wyatt is a Floridian Cult Leader; The Yeti was a monster from the Legion of Doom; The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels was a high-flyer who found God and moved into legend.
In a single sentence, Rene Nouveau is an eccentric french artist (hence the stage name)
And I completely agree, I find the best gimmicks are the ones that you can explain to a non wrestling fan in the most simple terms and they’ll get it right off the bat. It’s in the same vein as having a simple and fitting archetype. You breathe life into them from your characterization and having an understanding of their mindset.
That was just a little throwback to my E-Fed days