21 thoughts on “Another hack incoming…”

  1. Chris Stone-Bush​​ I don’t know, the comics is awesome, we will pray YISUN for a great game too.

    This is the link to the webcomic that spawned this hack: http://killsixbilliondemons.com

    Read it to learn that everything is a lie, including this statement.

    Somewhere between the lies of the site you should be able to locate the Patreon button.

    All cherish YISUN holy suicide

  2. It’s the ten dollars perk.

    At that level you get to look at his work in progress on the game.

    He encourages to share it to those non patrons that could be interested in giving feedback anyway.

    Eventually it will made public for free, if our reality doesn’t get conquered before.

  3. Ok, so I don’t want to shit on this unduly — as I certainly know nothing other than this graphic…  But it looks like it’s trying to communicate to me a DnD style alignment driven system of some sort…  Which makes me wary, indeed.

  4. I still haven’t read anything, but The Fated is clearly Alison-Like, and the Law is White Chains-y.

    Not very LG and not Neutral at all there!

    I suppose that 3×3 grids are just pratical shapes ^^

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