Boom, shaka and or laka.

Boom, shaka and or laka.

Boom, shaka and or laka.

Originally shared by Jason Corley

I’m doing my part for the mission by sharing a custom End of Session Move for Magpie Games  ‘s Masks RPG, in which you toss those boring old superheroes for a scene and play government bureaucrats talking about superheroes! I definitely have my finger on the pulse of what’s exciting about RPGs.

In all seriousness, as most of the End of Session moves are about you declaring how your characters’ relationships have shifted over the course of the game, this Custom Move, “D.A.T.A. Meeting,” is directed at your character’s relationship with the authorities. However, instead of defining it through a GM move or through your own descriptions, it’s done through the eyes of NPCs, with a bit of randomness thrown in to reflect that the authorities aren’t as monolithic as youthful heroes often perceive them to be….

All custom moves in PBTA games come with a handout, a worksheet and 3 pages of instructions, right? Right. #masksrpg   #halcyonjailbreak  

4 thoughts on “Boom, shaka and or laka.”

  1. Can you get +4 to a label, even if you permanently +1 it?

    Love the formatting and inclusiveness.

    For the move, typically things are listed 10, 7-9, and on a miss. 🙂

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