So….are we any closer to getting the print edition? I’m excited to get my hands on it. I’ll probably need to get two copies, one to use, and one to sit and look pretty next to all my other Apocalypse Engine books
Also, does anyone know of any Let’s Plays?
I bet Hamish will put an update when it’s up on Drive Through RPG. He’s indicated in several posts that it’s kind of out of his hands at this point. If we want hard copies we will need to get them printed from the site.
Friends at the Table is amazing. They are switching over to The Sprawl after running a few sessions of Mechnoir. For their first season they ran a Dungeon World campaign that was excellent.
cortex jackal I think I missed those, my apologies, the last thing I saw was that we were still in layout. If we’re that close, I’m even more excited
Christopher O’Neal I’ll google it, sounds interesting. Thank you
It’s okay, I think a lot of people are very excited (I know I am). I only have v.2 and I’m pumped for the whole game! Hopefully soon! In the mean time have you ever played Netrunner? It’s a cyberpunk card game but it definitely helps fuel my imagination for RPGs, it’s worth checking out if your a fan of all things dark and cyberpunk.