For you Choppers and Drivers out there, what’s the strangest or most out there type of vehicle you have had…

For you Choppers and Drivers out there, what’s the strangest or most out there type of vehicle you have had…

For you Choppers and Drivers out there, what’s the strangest or most out there type of vehicle you have had represent your ride? It seems that they don’t always have to have two or four or even ANY wheels!

What have you traveled the apocalypse in or on as a Chopper or Driver?

21 thoughts on “For you Choppers and Drivers out there, what’s the strangest or most out there type of vehicle you have had…”

  1. My chopper in a game is a werewolf alpha, so the bike is part of their beast form. Him and his pack running alongside and keeping up with the other’s vehicles.

  2. My idea for a chopper (haven’t got to play him yet) is a guy that heard a jukebox playing Bon Jovi.

    He customised his bike to look like a Steel Horse, as have all his guys.

    They are basically a gang of ” cowboys ” who quite Bon Jovi lyrics as religious text

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