Wow I am late to the party.

Wow I am late to the party.

Wow I am late to the party. My generous probably-soon-to-be-official boyfriend got me Urban Shadows because I am a tricky person to buy a birthday gift for. I am loving it and want to set up a game after the American-Winter Holiday storm that will be whipping up soon. I still need to read quite a bit and am watching a game being played at the moment to better see rules in action. But, my first idea is thus:

Necropolis Britain: An alternative timeline where Africa, America, Hong Kong, and India all rebelled against the UK for what had been done to them during their histories. This will lead to an “underground” movement in the City where the four Factions are striving for control and the tenuous alliance between the Conquering Countries is beginning to fray while the revitalizing movement of Olde Britain is coming to the fore to try and take back what they had. I am working with a native UKanian to try and get this a good combination of modern day Daventry/Rugby, what consequences a take over would have, and what new Archetypes to introduce.

That is probably a lot but I want to discover the extreme of “Fantasy” within Urban Fantasy and have been reading way too much (or not enough in my mind) Neil Gaiman as of late. This will take place on Myth Weavers and be after the week of Christmas or start of New Years in most likelihood.

So, if there is any interest here, let me know.

6 thoughts on “Wow I am late to the party.”

  1. That’s an amazing set up! I might try something similar. I always feel out of place changing history but this is such a solid, vibrant concept!

    Are you going to do this in proximal space, or is this a “looking for group” thing? I wanna watch and see how a group accretes around you, if the latter. :3

  2. This will be a “Looking for Group” thing. I am also creating 4 new Archetypes to try out as I go for this game. I may do more. The ideas I have currently are  thus –

    The Monger (Power)

    The Zombie (Night)

    The Bedlam (Mortality)

    The Maenad (Wild)

    I may try and make a specific country based Archetype as well, though I currently only have some basic ideas on The Rakshasa.

  3. The Monger is Power and about selling items and dreams while being a potent mover and shaker in the community. Big on greed versus morality and how deeply you’ll sell your morality for profit.

    The Zombie is about fighting the urges to just eat your opposition and, currently, a bit of a Noir Detective vibe from hunting people down. The least fleshed out at the moment.

    The Bedlam is going to be my most “carnal” archetype based on my experiences with mental illness and how someone can see the world differently and use their viewpoints in a fantasy setting. Think Malkavians from VtM without the silliness attached to insanity.

    The Maenad is about gaining benefits from being inebriated and getting in trouble that you drag others into while proving to them that being supernatural can be as fun as you want it to be…while savagely dealing with anyone who threatens your friends or loved ones.

  4. Nice~

    The zombie sounds like a werewolf skin, as is (strong fighter with hunting?), but is least fleshed out which makes sense.

    Looking forward to bedlam and maenad. ^.^

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