INCOMING INTEL // Production update // Podcast Actual Play #friendsatthetable //

INCOMING INTEL // Production update // Podcast Actual Play #friendsatthetable //

INCOMING INTEL // Production update // Podcast Actual Play #friendsatthetable //

6 thoughts on “INCOMING INTEL // Production update // Podcast Actual Play #friendsatthetable //”

  1. I listened to their 0 session. From what I gathered, they were porting characters and the scenario from another game/campaign, but did a decent job of defining the mechanics from the Sprawl. I can’t wait to listen to this one… A robot that can’t link to machines…Novel.

  2. Yes. They started playing Mechnoir, a variant of Technoir (an excellent game by Jeremy Keller which does some wonderful things with tags) but they weren’t finding Mechnoir was working too well for their group and format, so they switched to The Sprawl (hacked for mecha) in episode 10.

    Austin (the GM) runs PbtA games very well. When I’ve caught up with my podcast backlog I’m going to go back and listen to their Dungeon World campaign.

  3. Wait…they’ve hacked in a mech component? I might have to give this a listen. Been pondering a system for running a Battletech need campaign. Have you listened? Might, just might, their solutions work?

  4. They give the Driver’s moves to everyone and make mechs using the Vehicle rules.

    They’re still using mechs within the context of a cyberpunk mission style though. If you wanted a military-style game, you’d probably be better off using a different game as the base. I’d look at The Regiment (which is still in development).

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