So, I’m playing a campaign with a nova, and we played a long demo yesterday where I played a bull.

So, I’m playing a campaign with a nova, and we played a long demo yesterday where I played a bull.

So, I’m playing a campaign with a nova, and we played a long demo yesterday where I played a bull.

I like the idea of the bull, I like how my character turned out, but I could not shook the sensation that there was something missing, something more human.

The combat moves are perfect, the bull fight and do it well, and nobody can hit as hard, but I missed something, something more human some more hooks, something more than a couple of +1 forward to help or hinder love and rival.

The GM moves where good too, the bull is in the centre of of a tornado of things that happen to other people she cares about, I think it just miss something stronger on her moves list, can’t exactly pinpoint what.

The rest of my friends had the same sensation reading it and playing with it in team.

Did I miss something? Somebody else had the same sensation?

14 thoughts on “So, I’m playing a campaign with a nova, and we played a long demo yesterday where I played a bull.”

  1. As the GM I had some difficulties pinpointing what to do with her.

    I managed a nice “Battlebabe effect”: every failure from the Bull made the life harder not for her but for the group, endangering her Love and rising her Rival to Cosmic Jesus status, to her dismay.

    It hasn’t been half bad but… it was slippery.

    I see the Bull going in three different directions:

    – Conflict with their relationships

    – Conflict with their haunting past

    – Conflict with their inherent inumanity and desctructiveness

    These are three very different things in a games tends to have a lot of things in the air already and I felt it a bit slippery: the Bull moves are well done and inspiring, they bring forth a lot of destruction and what I called “Battlebabe effect”, but they don’t push as strongly in a direction as I was expecting, and those three aspects of the character remains separate, don’t amalgamate.

    Am I missing something?

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