How are people handling non-villain threats such as a raging inferno, burning building etc.

How are people handling non-villain threats such as a raging inferno, burning building etc.

How are people handling non-villain threats such as a raging inferno, burning building etc. Situations that are still threats in that they are threatening someone or something and need to be stopped. But are aren’t threats in the villainous sense.

5 thoughts on “How are people handling non-villain threats such as a raging inferno, burning building etc.”

  1. Villains won’t exactly have those conditions anyways. The only importance to the name of the conditions is in identifying which moves are impacted and only players roll dice. Create your own conditions such as “Oxygen Starved” or “Cooled” or “Dampened” or “No Fuel”.

  2. I’d be more inclined to hone in on the human element. The point in my mind isn’t to put out the fire, yeah? The point is to save the people the fire threatens, or to minimize collateral damage. Through that lens: threaten the people and things the heroes care about very clearly and directly, and let let the outcomes of their Unleashes, Defends and whatever else inform how safe they can make those people, and at what cost.

    Giving natural disasters conditions feels like it’s just making the scene question “how tough is it to put out the fire?”, which I personally don’t find as interesting as dealing with the fallout and rescue operations.

  3. You follow the fiction and trigger moves when they come up.

    Maybe give the fire some custom GM moves or write a custom move for the players like

    “When you dash into the burning building to rescue civilians…”

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